Strategic Talent Mapping

strategic talent mapping screenshots

Our Talent Mapping Solution

Our award-winning next-generation talent specialists can support you by providing insights and talent market transparency.


Define and map key talent markets

We identify, analyse and introduce you to your candidate markets wherever they may be.

If there are roles within your organisation that are proving challenging to fill or you can’t find the talent you need to fill business critical roles. We can support you with our award winning Strategic Talent Mapping solutions.

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Answer key strategic questions

  • Are there roles within your organisation that are proving challenging to fill?

  • Are you struggling to find the talent you need to fill business-critical roles?

  • Would visibility on your key talent markets help manage the expectations of internal stakeholders?

Talent Located

Identify the target market where your desired talent is currently located. Identifying the talent pool in advance will help close talent gaps better, faster, cheaper and avoid rushing future recruitment decisions.

Market Workforce Trends

Explore the current market workforce trends for talent with the skill sets you’re looking for. Devise a robust plan for in-demand talent to keep your company ahead of the competition.

Long-Term Strategy

Develop a long-term strategic plan to fill business critical roles with essential talent. Ensure there is never a skills shortage in the organisation in order to effectively deliver against strategic goals.

Trusted by the world's leading brands


Other Talent Intelligence Solutions

Competitor Talent X-ray

Mitigate the threat to your recruitment strategy and improve your ability to attract and engage talent against a key competitor

Organisational Mapping

Research a target company’s organisational structure, the skills and experience of their team, and influential team members